2 Cups of Cold Water
2 Cups of Polenta
Tasty Grated Cheese
Parmesan Cheese
1. 2 cups of Polenta mixed with 2 cups of cold water over a low heat.

2. Add three cups of boiling water and stir for approx. 10 minutes.

3. Turn off the heat when smooth and stir through a handful of tasty grated cheese, a handful of grated parmesan cheese, a splash of milk and a tablespoon of butter.

2 Cups Long Grain Rice
2 Eggs
2 Sticks Celery
1 Red Capsicum
8 Shallots
3 Rashers Bacon
250 g Cooked Chicken or Prawns
2 tsp Soy Sauce
1. Wash Rice until water runs clear. Cover rice with 2 cm cold water. Bring to the bol on high heat then cover with lid, turn down to lowest heat setting and cook for 10 minutes without removing lid. Set aside till the next day in a bowl.

2. Beat eggs, chop bacon finely, chop celery, capsicum and shallots.

3. Heat wok, add oil, lightly fry bacon. Remove to plate.

4. Add egg mixture. Cook a little then add rice and stir fry until grains of rice are cooked and seperated.

5. Add bacon & vegetables, then prawns or chicken etc. and fially the soy sauce. Stir well then serve.

4 Medium Capsicums
1 Onion
2 Sticks Celery
2 Tomatoes
1 1/2 Cups Fresh Breadcrumbs
1 tbsp Butter
Pinch Pepper
60 g Cheese
1. Preheat oven 190 °C.

2. Cut tops off capsicums and remove seeds.

3. Parboil capsicums in boilg water for 5 minutes. Drain well

4. Chop capsium tops, peel and chop onion and cop celery and tomatoes finely.

5. Mix together 1 1/4 cups breadcrumbs, onion, tomatoes, melted butter, celery, pepper and grated cheese.

6. Spoon mixture into capsicums and top woth remaining breadcrumbs.

7. Stand capsicums in a greased baking dish.

8. Bake in a moderate oven for 25 minutes or until hot and browned on top.

10 Large Potatoes
400 g Bacon Chopped Fine
1 Bunch Chopped Chives
200 ml Cream
100 g Butter
100 g Sundried Tomatoes
500 g Sour Cream
500 g Guacamole
Salt & Pepper to taste
1. Bake washed potatoes in skin until cooked.

2. Cut potatoes in half across the middle and scoop out cooked potato flesh, keeping both the flesh and skins.

3. Pass potato flesh through coulis/ricer.

4. Add some chopped chives, sweated bacon pieces, cream and soft butter and season well.

5. Pipe potato mixture back into potato skins and brush with melted butter and season well.

6. Chop sundried tomatoes into fine strips.

7. Prepare guacomole by mashing avocado, with lemon juice, cream, worcestershire sauce and seasoning and chopped seeded tomatoes.

8. Bake potato skins at service time on 180 °C and serve with sour cream, guacamole and sundried tomatoes.


Prepare all Mise en Place in advance and tray up garnishes, sour cream, choppped chives, guacamole and sundried tomatoes.

1 1/4 kg Peeled Potatoes
150 ml Milk, hot
75 g Butter
1. Cut potatoes into even-sized pieces and place in salted water. Bring to the boil and simmer gently until tender (approx. 20 - 25 minutes).

2. Drain well and pass through a medium sieve. Place in a clean pan.

3. Add milk to the potatoes, season and mix well with a wooden spoon to obtain a soft creamy texture.


Can be served dome-shaped in vegetable dishes. Smooth and decorate with a palette knife.

3 1/4 cups White Vinegar
1 cup Sugar
2 Large Cans Whole-Kernel Corn
1 Medium Onion
1/2 cup Chopped Celery
1/2 Green Capsicum
1/2 Red Capsicum
3 tbsp Cornflour
3 tbsp Dry Mustard
1 tbsp Mustard Seeds
1/2 tsp Turmeric
1. Put 2 1/2 cup vinegar and sugar in a large sauce pan.

2. Stir over low heat until sugar has dissolved.

3. Bring to the boil and add drained corn, chopped onion, celery and chopped capsicums.

4. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes.

5. Blend cornflour, dry mustard, mustard seeds and turmeric with remaining vinegar. Add to vegetable mixture.

6. Stir until mixture boils and thickens.

7. Reduce heat and simmer for a further 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

8. Pour into hot, sterlised jars. Seal.

“Pommes Ducheese (basic duchesse mixutre)”
1 kg Potatoes, peeled
3 Egg Yolks
50 g Butter
Pinch Nutmeg, grated
1. Cut potatoes into even-sized pieces and place in salted water.

2. Bring to the boil and simmer gently until tender (approx. 20 - 25 minutes.).

3. Drain well, return to the pan and place in the oven to dry out for a few minutes.

4. Pass the potatoes through a medium sieve or masher and place in a clean pan.

5. Add egg yolks, butter and nutmeg to the potatoes, season and mix in thoroughly with a wooden spoon over a moderate heat.

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